Welcome to our new facility!
G'day all, it's been a little while since our last blog post as we've been up to all sorts of exciting new things like introducing new courses, welcoming new staff to our team and as always cracking on with training awesome students.
We would also like to announce and welcome you to our new facility in down town Warrnambool, we now have a dedicated classroom, showroom and workshop.
As part of our transformation we have had a full RPAS course update, including introducing a whole range of new courses and are now certified to train students in multirotor drone platforms up to 25KG. To celebrate, we have also had a reduction in rates in some of our courses, so please check out our website or get in contact with us.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new staff Tom, Sarah, Michael and Perry to our team. We all look forward to getting our future students airborne.
Please drop into 27 Walsh Road, Warrnambool (right next to Battery World) and say hello, we would love to show you around and introduce you to our new staff.
